how many chemo treatments for colon cancer

Chemotherapy is cancer therapy that involves the use of chemicals or drugs that aim to kill cancer cells by means of poison. Chemotherapy has been used as a standard protocol cancer treatment since the 1950s.

There are currently more than 50 chemotherapy drugs are used. These drugs are inserted into the body through intravenous injections directly infuse (in the muscle, under the skin or in the cavities of the body), or in tablet form.

Depending on its kind, chemotherapy can be given every day, once a week, and three weeks once even once a month. Usually between one cycles of chemo by chemo cycle more given the distance/pause for the body for recovery.

In cancer treatment, chemotherapy can be applied with a 3 ways:

Chemotherapy as primary therapy which is aimed to eradicate the cancer cells.

Chemo as adjunctive (additional) therapy to make sure it's clean and not cancer. Usually given in patients who recently lifted the tumor through surgery or

Chemo as palliative therapy, that is only in control of tumor growth and not to heal/eradicate depleted the cancer cells. This therapy is usually done for patients with advanced stage (4B) where the cancer has spread to other organs in the body.

Before chemotherapy is done, the doctor will usually launch a series of investigations to find out the condition of a patient's illness, the patient's general health conditions, including liver and kidney function of the health of the patient.

Chemotherapy is not without side effects. The main disadvantages of chemo are that these drugs are not only kills cancer cells that are splitting, but all cells that divide. Healthy cells that divide much faster than the cancer cells also did not escape.

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs

early signs of prostate cancer in men

The symptoms caused by the swelling of the prostate gland are almost similar to the symptoms of prostate cancer. To ascertain whether the prostate gland enlargement occurs only or symptoms of prostate cancer, a man recommended to immediately checking if he has experience the following symptoms:

Difficult urination

Could be feeling like urination but nothing comes out, stop while there is still a feeling of urination, urinary or should want often to the toilet for urination due to discharge a little bit. This symptom appears as a result of the increase in prostate glands around the urinary tract due to a tumor in it so the annoying process of urination.

Pain during urination

Problem is also caused by prostate tumor that presses the urinary tract. However, this pain can also be a symptom of prostate infection called prostatitis. It could be a sign of prostate hyperplasia which is not a cancer

Out for blood when the urinary

Symptoms are uncommon, but do not ignore. Immediately see a doctor even though the blood issued few, vague or just pink. Sometimes a urinary tract infection can also cause these symptoms.

Hard an erection or hold an erection

Prostate Tumor may cause blood flow to the penis that is supposed to increase the erection being obstructed so make hard erection. It could also cause can't ejaculate after erection. But, an enlarged prostate can cause these symptoms.

Hard bowel movements and other digestive tract problems.

Prostate Gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. As a result, when raise a tumor, digestion will be uninterrupted. But keep in mind, the difficult defecation that continuously happen can also cause enlargement of the prostate due to pressure on the glands continuously. The difficulty of the defecation and the digestive tract can also indicate cancer of the colon.

Persistent pain in the lower back, hips or thighs in the top.

Often, prostate cancer spread in the region, which is on the lower back, pelvis and hips so hard pain described in this section can be a sign of disruption.

Frequent urination at night.

If you often wake up at night more than once just to micturition, check immediately to the doctor

Urine dripping or not strong enough.

This is similar to the symptoms of urinary incontinence. The urine cannot be put on hold until slowly out and drips. Or if urine can exit, the flow was not strong enough.

Age over 50 and have risk factors.

Because it does not cause any symptoms then men who have risk factors should be checked up regularly.

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs

signs and symptoms of liver cancer in men

Liver cancer tends to affect people who have a history of hepatitis B virus or C, smokers and alcohol drinkers, who also often have a metabolic disorder.

Some metabolic disorders may also increase the risk of liver cancer and other disorders. For example, the buildup of iron in the liver is very harmful for the body because it can damage the body's organs where it accumulates iron.

This article will explain to you about any risk factors for liver cancer, how to avoid liver cancer, and some symptoms of liver cancer that you should be aware.
Immediately do further tests if the following symptoms are felt.

-  A mass in the right upper abdomen.
 - Hands and feet swell.
 - Weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, and chills.
 - Yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes.
 - Black-colored stool like water and tea-colored urine.

Early stages of liver cancer are difficult to diagnose. Therefore, the main principle is the prevention of liver cancer by screening for liver cancer as early as possible.

In addition, there are preventative measures that can be taken is by avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages as well as hepatitis vaccination.

Examination can also be done by contacting the cancer specialist to determine the extent to which the level of deployment. Generally, treatment can be done by eating herbs alone if the cancer is found still in the early stages.

Unlike in the case of advanced cancer in which the cancer spread very fast, with herbal medicine should be combined with medical treatment because the effect is not as fast as herbal medical treatment in case of emergency.

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs

breast cancer treatment guidelines for patients

There are different types of treatment that can be performed in patients with breast cancer. Some of treatment is the standard treatment that widely used now, and there are some treatments that are still in the stage of clinical trials. The clinical trial treatment intended to improve existing treatments or obtain information for new treatments for cancer patients.

If the new treatment is apparently better than the standard treatment, the new treatment can be used as a standard treatment in patients with cancer.

Some patients may want to participate in this clinical trial treatment, but the clinical trial treatment should only be done for patients who have not been treated.

Some kinds of standard treatment are used:


Treatment with surgery to remove the cancer from the breast more often done by patients with breast cancer. In this surgery usually performed taking lymph nodes under the arm to see if they also contain cancer cells.
Breast-conserving surgery is surgery to remove the cancer but not the breast, including:

Lumpectomy: is surgery to remove the lump and a small portion of normal tissue in the surrounding areas.
Partial mastectomy: is surgery to remove the affected breast cancer and normal tissue in part. Top layer of pectoral muscle under the cancer can also be lifted. This operation is usually called a mastectomy segmental.

Patients were operated on with breast-conserving surgery may also have some lymph nodes that should be removed for biopsy. This action is also called lymph node dissection. This action can be performed in conjunction with breast-conserving surgery or can also be done afterwards. To act lymph node dissection is usually done by creating a separate incision.

 Another type of operation is:
- Total mastectomy
- Modified radical mastectomy

Before surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy is usually given.
The amount of tissue that needs to be remove will reduce and  the tumor will shrink if chemotherapy given before surgery. This is called adjuvant therapy or before surgery treatment.

At the time doctors operated on cancer, cancer cells that are seen must be lifted, but it also needs to be given radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy to purge cancer cells remaining.

To reduce the risk of cancer coming back, it would require treatment after surgery and is called adjuvant therapy.

 pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs

colon cancer and alcohol consumption

Colon cancer is a deadly disease and the number of sufferers is increasing today. In many cases, patients are usually initially had problems with the digestive disorder and is considered only because of the wrong foods.
There are several causes of colon cancer to look out for, including:


The biggest risk factor that can make people get colon cancer is colorectal polyps that usually look like a ball sticking out of the wall of the colon. This polyp causes bleeding in the rectum, although usually hidden in the dirt. Polyp has a chance to become cancerous by 2.5 percent in the first five years and has the possibility of being cancer by 20 percent after 20 years. Large size polyp has a greater likelihood of become cancerous.

Bowel disease

Someone who had experienced bowel disease or inflammatory bowel have big risk of colon cancer. If a person has inflammatory bowel disease longer, it has the possibility of getting cancer of the colon,  because parts of the colon becomes inflamed will increase the likelihood of abnormal cells are transformed into cancer cells.


People who smoke in the long term can lead to colon cancer because of two reasons. First, when cigarette smoke inhaled and enters the large intestine. Cigarette smoke can be a carcinogen that causes cancer. And the second is if use tobacco, it can lead to colon polyps.


Research shows that alcohol increases the risk of colon cancer. Regular alcohol consumption can increase the risk of colorectal cancer, while heavy alcohol consumption can lead to the emergence of other diseases.


Obesity is one of the causes of colon cancer. Someone who has overweight increases the risk of colon cancer. Men and Women who are obese have an increased risk of colon cancer is 50 percent higher. The healthy obese women have an increased risk of colon cancer compared with unhealthy obese women.


Unhealthy diet is also can cause colon cancer. Other studies also have found that eating red meat regularly may increase the risk of cancer. However, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can make the risk of colon cancer to be small.

Lacking Sports

People who are not physically active may be more susceptible to colon cancer. A study found that increased body weight and decreased physical activity associated with increased risk of colon cancer.

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs

diet to prevent lung cancer

Cancer is one disease that is deadly. In many cases, you can take precautions by changing the pattern of healthy eating. Eat healthy foods can help the body fight cancer cells that cause.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C has antioxidant properties that contribute to the prevention of cancer. The fruit can be eaten fresh or served in juice form. Efficacy, prevent damage to body cells, which is one of the causes of cancer.
Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage contains indole 3 carbinol which helps fight breast cancer and other cancer. Vegetables can alter estrogen (a hormone that accelerates the growth of cancer cells tend to be) a protective hormone.

Garlic is used as a weapon to body armor because of its high antioxidant. Not only helps in killing tumor cells, but also protects vulnerable parts of the body the cancer.

This delicious fruit is a rich source of vitamin C. Give it contains ellagic acid which kills cancer cells. They have the highest amount of antioxidants among all fruits.

Green tea
Green tea has many health benefits because it can sustain a person. This drink helps fight cancer (particularly lung cancer) to prevent the growth of tumors and kill cancer cells. The presence of an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has a natural enemy of cancer.

Pomegranate filled with ellagitannis substances that can control tumor growth and cancer-fighting cells. It is very useful to prevent prostate and breast cancer.

Mushrooms have immune enhancing properties. Eating mushrooms with enough to help you avoid cancer. This fungus also inhibits the growth of malignant tumor cells.

natural cancer treatment centers

National cancer institute mammography guidelines

Study the experts indicated, examination breast cancer, especially for women aged 66 until 74 years, who performed annually year or two once caped as effective.

This conclusion taken after scientists compare examination mammography carried annually with two years once on elderly. They comparing two the time schedule screening does to diagnose breast cancer in the final stage, including also results ' false positive ' that may be detected.

Dr. Braithwaite, assistant professor cancer epidemic of Helen Diller family comprehensive cancer center at the university of California San Francisco said breast cancer risk detected at the final stage will not be great if you do screening once every two years from being every year.

Braithwaite and his colleagues found that woman who performs screening every two years less likely to accept the results the “false positive” than those who do screening every year. In this study researchers collect data on more than 140,000 women with age 66 to 89 years during 1999 to 2006. A total of contracting is 3,000 people woman to be diagnosed with cancer.

The result ' false positive ' usually found only after examining extensive and invasive done. Examination was done following the early diagnostics. But experts said examination was no need to do. Beside expensive, patients must also lose much time.

If frequency of accuracy diagnoses mammograms can be reduced and increases that this would be beneficial not only to patients but also the service provider and health insurance companies.

According to the study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, over the past 10 years, there were 48 percent of the women who do the screening every year get a diagnosis with ' false positive ' for breast cancer. As for those who are doing the screening two years, only 20 percent who received the results of the ' false positive

According to the American Cancer Society, women who need to do a screening every year are women over the age of 40 who have a history of breast cancer.

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warning signs of colon cancer in men

Body not only requires the intake of nutrients, vitamin C, protein and folic acid. Fiber foods are also very useful, because it can prevent the spread of colon cancer. When that happens, then immediately set diet by eating fibrous foods, because fiber foods can prevent colon cancer.

If the cancer can be detected early, off course the treatment will be easier and faster. For that, it is good to be aware of symptoms that are not normal in the body and carry out regular checks. For example early detection of colon cancer with does early prevention.

Some signs of colon cancer is there are blood in stools, changes in bowel habit when defecation and pain in the lower abdomen that would not go away.

In addition, hemorrhoid can also be an early sign of colon cancer. Bloody bowel movements are not always identical with the cancer, but if it happens constantly then we must be careful if it can be a symptom of colon cancer.

If there is a change in bowel pattern as difficult defecation and suffered from chronic diarrhea, then someone must begin to go to the doctor. If general cancer symptoms appear, such as weakness, weight loss and anemia then someone must go to a specialist to check up immediately.

Prevention of colon cancer can be done in several ways such as eating foods that contain a lot of fiber. Also avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fat and high cholesterol, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol, regular exercise, intake of calcium and folic acid.

Immediately did a colonoscopy and polipektomi in patients found with colon polyps.

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prostate cancer radiation treatment symptoms

Many patients and families of prostate cancer patients would be concerned about issues such as: advanced prostate cancer patients can be? Actually, for how much longer can endure and cannot be determined, should be based on factors such as the tumor size, metastasis, physical fitness, and treatment options.

In general, if the patient's state of mind calm, optimistic, regular lifestyle, have confidence, honesty, obedience to cooperate with medical treatment, have a strong will to live will help to extend himself. If the patient cannot wait, often complain, treatment of severe, stubborn, and refused to cooperate with the treatment, then the patient would harm himself.

For advanced prostate cancer and end-stage, appropriate treatment factors are the most important influence how long patients can survive for life. Surgery is only a small possibility, in clinical medicine often use radiotherapy and chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, cryotherapy, biological therapy, Chinese medicine therapy. Some therapies will produce a number of side effects, and functional decline, this time with immunotherapy may improve the patient's functional. Reduce the harm caused by complications and prolong the life of the patient.

To ensure are currently suffering from prostate cancer should undergo treatment as soon as possible, do not delay diagnosis, do not let their lives destroyed, it can be very helpful for advanced prostate cancer patients to prolong his life.

 natural cancer treatment centers

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs

Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer are quite varied and depend on where the cancer is located, where it has spread, and how big the tumor is. Pancreatic cancer is often called the hidden disease, as it rarely shows symptoms early but non-specific symptoms in the future.

Pancreatic tumors are usually too small to cause symptoms. However, while growing into cancer can raise symptoms as below:
- Pain in the upper abdomen from the tumor pushing into nerves
- Jaundice of the skin and eyes and a change in color of urine becomes dark, disturbing created when bile duct cancer and liver
- Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting
- Significant weight loss and weakness
- Pale stool color or gray and steatorrhea (excess fat in the stool)

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer has many other causes, so difficult to diagnose the disease before it is in an advanced stage.

Pancreatic cancer is also associated with Trousseau's sign (blood clots that form spontaneously in the portal vein, the blood vessels in the arms and legs). Clinical depression is another symptom that is sometimes reported before cancer was diagnosed.

If the cancer spreads or metastasizes, additional symptoms can present themselves in the newly affected areas. Symptoms of metastasis ultimately depend on the location of where the cancer has spread.

Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer

There are several techniques to see whether cancer exists and to know how far it has spread. Common tests include:

- Ultrasound: To visualize tumor
- Endoscope ultrasound (EUS): a thin tube with a camera and light at one end
- CT scan of the abdomen: To visualize tumor
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): X-ray bile ducts
- Angiogram: X-ray of blood vessels
- Barium swallow X-ray upper gastrointestinal tract
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): To visualize tumor
- Positron emission tomography (PET) scan: Useful to detect
if the disease has spread

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