early signs of prostate cancer in men

The symptoms caused by the swelling of the prostate gland are almost similar to the symptoms of prostate cancer. To ascertain whether the prostate gland enlargement occurs only or symptoms of prostate cancer, a man recommended to immediately checking if he has experience the following symptoms:

Difficult urination

Could be feeling like urination but nothing comes out, stop while there is still a feeling of urination, urinary or should want often to the toilet for urination due to discharge a little bit. This symptom appears as a result of the increase in prostate glands around the urinary tract due to a tumor in it so the annoying process of urination.

Pain during urination

Problem is also caused by prostate tumor that presses the urinary tract. However, this pain can also be a symptom of prostate infection called prostatitis. It could be a sign of prostate hyperplasia which is not a cancer

Out for blood when the urinary

Symptoms are uncommon, but do not ignore. Immediately see a doctor even though the blood issued few, vague or just pink. Sometimes a urinary tract infection can also cause these symptoms.

Hard an erection or hold an erection

Prostate Tumor may cause blood flow to the penis that is supposed to increase the erection being obstructed so make hard erection. It could also cause can't ejaculate after erection. But, an enlarged prostate can cause these symptoms.

Hard bowel movements and other digestive tract problems.

Prostate Gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. As a result, when raise a tumor, digestion will be uninterrupted. But keep in mind, the difficult defecation that continuously happen can also cause enlargement of the prostate due to pressure on the glands continuously. The difficulty of the defecation and the digestive tract can also indicate cancer of the colon.

Persistent pain in the lower back, hips or thighs in the top.

Often, prostate cancer spread in the region, which is on the lower back, pelvis and hips so hard pain described in this section can be a sign of disruption.

Frequent urination at night.

If you often wake up at night more than once just to micturition, check immediately to the doctor

Urine dripping or not strong enough.

This is similar to the symptoms of urinary incontinence. The urine cannot be put on hold until slowly out and drips. Or if urine can exit, the flow was not strong enough.

Age over 50 and have risk factors.

Because it does not cause any symptoms then men who have risk factors should be checked up regularly.

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs


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