colon cancer and alcohol consumption

Colon cancer is a deadly disease and the number of sufferers is increasing today. In many cases, patients are usually initially had problems with the digestive disorder and is considered only because of the wrong foods.
There are several causes of colon cancer to look out for, including:


The biggest risk factor that can make people get colon cancer is colorectal polyps that usually look like a ball sticking out of the wall of the colon. This polyp causes bleeding in the rectum, although usually hidden in the dirt. Polyp has a chance to become cancerous by 2.5 percent in the first five years and has the possibility of being cancer by 20 percent after 20 years. Large size polyp has a greater likelihood of become cancerous.

Bowel disease

Someone who had experienced bowel disease or inflammatory bowel have big risk of colon cancer. If a person has inflammatory bowel disease longer, it has the possibility of getting cancer of the colon,  because parts of the colon becomes inflamed will increase the likelihood of abnormal cells are transformed into cancer cells.


People who smoke in the long term can lead to colon cancer because of two reasons. First, when cigarette smoke inhaled and enters the large intestine. Cigarette smoke can be a carcinogen that causes cancer. And the second is if use tobacco, it can lead to colon polyps.


Research shows that alcohol increases the risk of colon cancer. Regular alcohol consumption can increase the risk of colorectal cancer, while heavy alcohol consumption can lead to the emergence of other diseases.


Obesity is one of the causes of colon cancer. Someone who has overweight increases the risk of colon cancer. Men and Women who are obese have an increased risk of colon cancer is 50 percent higher. The healthy obese women have an increased risk of colon cancer compared with unhealthy obese women.


Unhealthy diet is also can cause colon cancer. Other studies also have found that eating red meat regularly may increase the risk of cancer. However, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can make the risk of colon cancer to be small.

Lacking Sports

People who are not physically active may be more susceptible to colon cancer. A study found that increased body weight and decreased physical activity associated with increased risk of colon cancer.

pancreatic cancer symptoms in men nhs


  1. A series of misdiagnosis have allowed the spread of Charles's colon Cancer which has now spread to his liver and kidneys, We abruptly found out about his cancer on may 26th 2013, it is spreading as we speak we are looking to try something called cannabis oil possibly chemo therapy.
    This is a extremely hard and sad time for us, My father is the sole provider for his wife and 4 kids, twins 12 years, son 16years and daughter 13 years, he is now no longer able to work and is not only stressing about surviving but also how he will support his family and pay for alternative life saving treatments.
    This traumatic finding of cancer is extremely sad and stressful on our family; we are trying anything we can to get Charles healthy
    We have started the Phoenix Tears/cannabis oil Treatment partnered with Chemo Therapy and a major change in diet. The Phoenix tears is crucial to saving charles's life these treatments are 80$ per day over 2400$ per month.
    Any support you can contribute to help Charles & family make it through these tough time would be so appreciated.
    Thank you for your love and support!
